Why do Pilates?
If you have been following my journey you may remember my reasons for becoming a Pilates Instructor. If not, I will give a brief recap. I stumbled upon Pilates in the late/early morning watching an info-mercial. I fell in love and later became a fitness instructor many years later. Unlike now, there weren’t a lot of remote options to be exposed to Pilates where I lived. It was more of thing in affluent areas and tied to the “Hollywood” crowd. I knew I loved the benefits of Pilates and I knew I wanted to bring that experience to more people in areas where they would rarely get the opportunity.
What is Pilates? Well, it’s more like WHO was Pilates. Joseph H. Pilates is the creator of the method of exercise he called “CONTROLOGY.” Mr. Pilates taught that the practice of his method would create a complete coordination of body, mind and spirit. The “control” that comes from the practice will address posture, flexibility and improve the mental connection to your body. After Mr. Pilates’ passing in 1967, there was some turmoil on who could use the word “Pilates” as a description of their training. In 2000, a lawsuit was settled to allow the name to generically describe the practice (https://www.pilates.com/pilates/origins/trademark-lawsuit).
As a fitness professional and instructor of different movement practices, Pilates gets me focused in ways that other ways of moving don’t. I love my concentration and strength that I feel as I move with Pilates. My precision and flow is very different from when I lift weights or do yoga. Contrary to what people think you need to have to “do Pilates,” you don’t need anything but a guide. That guide can be virtual or in-person. That guide can be a book. You don’t need equipment (that can be added in later). You don’t need boatloads of Hollywood money to practice Pilates. What you need is curiosity and the space to practice.
Considering all the options we now have thanks to hybrid learning I think it’s a great time to get exploring moving in a new way. Holler at ya girl if you have any questions. We can do a deeper dive. I got you!
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