Our bodies are a mosaic of lived experiences. It’s a blessing to exist in your body. Every day we take up space on this big blue marble is a day for us to rejoice. I feel this way and this has been my “WHY” as a movement coach since 2011. While I have been a professional dancer, dance teacher and mover since forever, somewhere in my story I became sedentary and stopped moving.
When I made up my mind to focus on my physical fitness, I didn’t see anybody that looked like me or ANY BODY that looked like mine. I knew that the best way for me to get moving was for me to teach. I started teaching in my South Los Angeles community to provide a familiar face, culture and a “body” that didn’t look the part of a fitness professional.
What does a “fitness professional” look like? ME! What does a Certified Personal Trainer look like? ME! What does a Pilates Instructor look like? ME! What does the outside world try to tell me? IT AIN’T YOU BOO! What does a “fitness professional “have to do to be taken seriously when you are over 40 years old? When you are unapologetically melanated? Have a big-ass afro? When you’re fluffy and fabulous? Answer: SHOW UP!
**This is a guest post for Hip Healthy Chick, originally posted here**
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